Program Overview

The Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering degree (M.Eng.) is a coursework-only degree with a focus on professional practice. The M.Eng. degree combines advanced training in civil engineering practice and design, and emphasizes written and oral communication skills. As a practice-oriented program, it provides students with the technical expertise and management training to be successful design engineers. Graduates of the program will encounter a great job market as the demand for professional engineers exceeds the supply and is expected to continue to grow.


All online and distance education is protected by federal regulations and policies. For details on how, refer to the following resources: State Authorization, Disclosures, Accreditation and Complaint Resolution.


Tuition and Fees

The total cost per credit hour is $533.38 and is comprised of $428.12 base tuition + $105.26 college differential. There is a student technology fee charged each semester. It is $150 in the Fall, $150 in the Spring, and $20 in the Summer. There may be additional costs, depending on the class. Additional costs are often for textbooks, supplemental course materials, and proctoring fees. Graduate students are charged a $40 per semester Graduate and Professional Students Association (GPSA) fee.

Admissions Requirements

General requirements for admission include:

  • Three letters of recommendation. Only submit the names and email addresses for your recommenders. UNM will send them links where they will upload their letters.
  • A letter of intent that summarizes your qualifications, professional goals, and indicates your specific interest in the Master of Construction Management program. You may refer to the guidelines for writing this letter. This letter can be uploaded to your online application.
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0 (or equivalent) over the last two undergraduate years in science, math, and engineering courses, and
  • A minimum combined score of 300 on the verbal and quantitative sections of the GRE or evidence of passing the FE exam. Starting in the Spring 2024, the GRE requirement is waived for students graduating from an ABET-accredited program (see list of accredited institutions and programs here:
  • Language Skills for International Students: International students must meet all UNM Graduate Admissions Requirements including tests for English proficiency.
Applicants with a bachelor of science in civil engineering are eligible for admission; no preparatory classes are required.

Applicants with an undergraduate or graduate degree in engineering other than civil engineering can be admitted directly to the program, provided they satisfy all other admissions criteria. They may need to take some undergraduate courses that are prerequisites for graduate courses in their field of study. This course sequence is determined on an individual basis and depends on the student’s background and intended program of study. The preparatory course sequence will be selected in consultation with accelerated online program faculty in the Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering. A member of that group must write a memo to the Department’s Director of Graduate Programs identifying the course sequence. The memo will be placed in the student’s file. The preparatory course sequence will ultimately be listed on the student’s Program of Studies, also filed with the Graduate Studies office.

Applicants without an undergraduate engineering degree are not eligible for admission until they have completed a set of preparatory courses. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and no grade below a “B” for these preparatory courses. These courses (and their equivalent UNM course numbers) are as follows:
  • Three semesters of calculus and one semester of ordinary differential equations (Math 1512, 1522, 2531, and 316)
  • One class in college chemistry
  • One year of calculus-based college physics
  • Engineering Statics – CE 202 (Prereqs Phys 1310 and Math 1522)
  • Dynamics – ME 306 (Prereq CE 202 and Math 2531)
  • Mechanics of Materials – CE 302 (Prereq CE 202, Pre or Coreq Math 316)
  • Fluid Mechanics – CE 331 (Pre or Coreq CE 202 and ME 306)
  • Soil Mechanics – CE 360 (Prereq CE 302)

Advisement for the M.Eng. Accelerated Online Program

Prior to admission, questions regarding the M.Eng. program will be addressed within the Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering department, by the Graduate Program Director (Ricardo Gonzalez-Pinzon and the Manager of Academic Advisement (Krista Navarrette, Questions about specific courses will be directed to the appropriate instructors.

Once admitted to the program, each student will be assigned a faculty advisor from the faculty who participate in the accelerated online program. The advisor will guide the student to complete a program plan template. It identifies the courses the student plans to take and ensures they will meet program requirements. The program plan will be updated annually. 

Each semester an orientation presentation will be made and recorded for the M.Eng. students. This presentation will cover departmental and university requirements, policies, and deadlines. 

Degree Requirements

The master of engineering in civil engineering degree (M.Eng.) requires only 33 credit hours of coursework. It consists of:

  • A minimum of 15 credit hours of practice-oriented civil engineering classes.
  • 12 credit hours that support the student’s area of interest. Courses outside of those offered by the School of Engineering require prior approval by the faculty advisor.
  • At least 6 credit hours that advance the student’s management skillset.

Required Coursework

The master of engineering in civil engineering degree (M.Eng.) is designed to accommodate students with interest or experience in civil engineering professional practice. Prospective students typically have a civil engineering or closely related undergraduate degree.

The M.Eng. degree involves 33 credit hours of graduate coursework. Coursework is grouped into 3 categories: practice-oriented, area-of-interest, and management-related. A minimum of 15 credit hours of practice-oriented civil engineering classes is required along with 12 additional credit hours that support the student's area of interest and at least 6 additional credit hours that advance the student's management skillset. A maximum of 12 credit hours can be taken in transfer and/or non-degree graduate student status.

There are no concentrations for the M.Eng. degree. There are no specific required courses for the M.Eng. degree.

Courses for the Master of Science in Civil Engineering Accelerated Online Program
Course NumberCourse NamePractice-OrientedArea of InterestManagement Skillset

CE 455*

Engineering Project Management




CE 473/573

Construction Law




CE 474/574

Principles of Written Construction Documents




CE 475/575

Construction Safety




CE 477/577

Project Controls




CE 478/578

Temporary Structures in Construction




CE 571

Sustainable Design and Construction




CE 576

Project Delivery Systems




CE 598

Global History of Construction




CE 506

Design of Prestressed Concrete




CE 598

Design of Wood Structures




CE 598

Design of Masonry Structures




CE 521

Structural Dynamics




CE 598

Advanced construction technologies




CE 598

Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design




CE 598

Pavement Management System




*Course allowed for graduate credit to students enrolled in a graduate program. Normally, a graduate student enrolled in a starred course numbered below 500 is required to complete extra work.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates will successfully advance in their careers through:

  • Technical competence in civil engineering.
  • Demonstration of professional skills appropriate for the global engineering marketplace.
  • An ability to communicate technical/management results in appropriate forums.

The Student Learning Outcomes for the Master of Engineering degree are:

  1. Exhibit knowledge of engineering/science fundamentals appropriate for discipline and specialization.
  2. Be able to communicate effectively in oral and/or written form.

 Accelerated Online Program

At a Glance

Major Requirements: 33 Credit Hours
100% Online
Cost Per Credit Hour: $533.38
Length of Classes: 8 Weeks

College/School: School of Engineering


Program Details and Tuition & Fee Information

Legal Disclosures: The US Dept of Education gathers information on outcomes for our career-focused programs, including the costs, completion time, graduation rates, job placement, and average student debt, to help you make informed decisions about your education. This information can be found at Home | College Scorecard (


Website: Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering
Phone: Rick Robb or Olivia Torres-Jojola: (505) 277-9000